Days to Come – Blending pop-styled vocal melodies with heavier, intricate instrumentation, the Georgia based hard rock band Days To Come works tirelessly at taking their brand of positivity as far as it can go. Striving for professionalism & honesty, DTC focuses on solid songwriting & high energy live shows as well as growing & maintaining their fan-base by interacting via social networking.

When did the band start?

A: Justin – The band officially formed in 2014. We’ve gone through a few lineup changes over the year, but we really cemented our sound and team in 2018.

Where are you from?

A: Jalen – Colorado Springs, CO

How did you start?

A: Brandon – I met Justin back in 2013 and we started playing acoustic shows while we were looking for other musicians to start up Days. It took a few years and lineup changes to really figure out who we were as artists.

What style of music do you class yourselves as?

A: Brandon – A light pop prog rock band. I’m still learning how to incorporate more prog elements because we’re not weird enough yet.

Who are the biggest bands influences?

A: Justin – I love bands like Alter Bridge and Nothing More. Brandon is more into prog, like Tesseract, Plini, and Periphery, while Jalen is really into bands like Breaking Benjamin and A Perfect Circle.

Are you signed to a record label?

A: Jalen – No. We’re completely independent and diy. We work with a booking agent based out of Florida, but everything else is 100% us.

Plans for the year.

A: Justin – I’m going to continue taking cold showers and ice baths. That’s definitely high on my list of personal plans for 2020.

I want to continue to limit my plastic usage and be more minimalistic in my lifestyle.

What are the bands plans for this year?

A: Jalen – We’re planning on releasing new music, collaborating with other artists, and touring. 

We recently released our new single Ashes (January 2020) and are excited to promote it!

Do you have any tours booked?

A: Brandon – We do. We’re we’re touring a few dates in February with Silvertung and in April with Ventruss.

New releases?

A: Jalen – We just released our new single, Ashes (January 2020), and we’re excited to promote it!

Where do you hope to see yourself in 12 months’ time (realistic)?

A: Justin – My hope is that we would continue walking down the path we’re on. I believe we have a solid foundation and would like to continue to see steady growth. I want to connect with more people and develop even more relationships. Music is powerful and is such a great way to connect with others and bring value to their life.

Questions to close with.

What can people expected from your stage show if they are coming to see you live?

A: Jalen – Three lads having a great time with the audience and epic energy.

Give us one word that you would describe your band?

A: Brandon – Unique.

If there was one sentence that would relate to your band as a selling point what would it be?

A: Brandon – We’re scrumptious. 

Lastly, tell us your ambitions for the next 12 months?

A: Justin – We’re planning on releasing more singles, an EP, collaborating with other artists, touring to Texas (shhhh), and living our best life.

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